Friday, 21 March 2014

Final piece idea

This is the idea for my final piece, I have the seashells on the head to link in with my theme headress and also to link into the theme sea scape. The face will be a mixture of blue and green to fit in with my trail piece and the hair the same colour hair but expanded the whole way out and dark around the edges. I will also have different linking ideas Of sea scale like sea horses and star fish 
These are the images I will use to paint from and to follow the colours they are to look more realistic 

Tonal study

This is a tonal study of the image I used in my final piece 
I then photocopied and expanded black ink to make into a type of headress. This could be based on the artist from the broad ways little mermaid creator of the fish headdress which are wire and have hinges enabling them to move 


This is the mono print of the image used in my final piece
I then photo copied and used it to create head dress designs with cut up shell pictures to link it into my sea theme 

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Photo imagery used in final piece

These are the images which I can use in my final piece to copy and record onto my final painting 

Final piece image

This is the portrait photo which I will use for my final piece painting 

Artist research

These are sea themed head dress taken from the little mermaid these have hinges to allow movement to create a even more movement through 

Shells from glue gun

Coloured in to make then stand out and could be used to fill in the back of headdress for even create a small headress idea made fully out of glue